Worked in care before? Not worked in care before? Want to help people? Want a career that promises development and satisfaction of the highest level?

Working in care gives you the opportunity to unlock that amazing feeling of helping someone. You can build a career in care from no experience to a fully qualified care assistant with qualifications that are yours for life.

At Keighley Care Company we promise to work with you as a team to develop your care skills and training to provide a quality assured service to the local community and other care provisions. We pride ourselves on high standards and want people who genuinely have a caring heart.

  • We offer full mandatory training, delivered in house.
  • Qualifications available such as Health & Social Care Level 2 and 3.

At Keighley Care Company, we only offer application forms to individuals once we have met them personally and undertaken an initial interview. We are always on the hunt for good Care Assistants and professional’s from every level of care.

Keighley Care Company tries to employ professionals from every background with all levels of experience.

All though experience is desired it is not essential. We look for character, honesty and a passion for care. We leave the rest to the training room and development. As a service we believe in the training we offer as it is reflective of current practices and made to exemplify the standard required.

We expect our team member’s to contribute and excel in the training room. To reach employment at Keighley Care Company you must:

  • Pass the initial interview
  • Complete required forms & await DBS
  • Complete 9 to 12 in house training subjects (based over 4 days).
  • Complete 6 E- Learning programmes. (1 Day)
  • Complete shadowing process
  • Display professional competence
  • Complete employment review process (3 Months)

These steps are taken to protect our vulnerable service users and help to develop the best possible professionals. Any queries please discuss within the interview.

Get in touch | Email: | Phone number: 01535611611